What is the source of unlimited consciousness?
Life does not always go as we imagine, but often we do not understand why we have to face the challenges.
Not root cause is often not visable, as it is often deeply anchored and cannot be accessed with the conscious mind.
Getting access to the source of unlimited consciousness enables to see and heal the root cause of your challenge.
Usually the root causes are: Hurt inner child’s because of past experiences, inner parts of you that have been split off, traumas from our ancestors or from past life’s. Any limiting beliefs or old traumas that may not be conscious any more but hinder to to thrive, can be seen and resolved. Usually these reasons cannot be found with classical coaching methods or even hypnosis methods, as they are not accessible to conscious or even subconscious mind.
However these can be the reason why your life is not going the way you want it to be.
Our experience with the source of unlimited consciousness is that it always shows you the topics, that are of highest priority for your personal development at this moment in time in your life.
However to get healing and transformation in life, you have to be willing to look within yourself, heal the past, take responsibility for your life and take the actions needed to create a compelling future.
The Beauty of the source of unlimited consciousness is that one’s it is accessible to you, you get feel this deep feeling of trust and power within yourself and feel in your heart that life is not happening to you, but happening for you.
You get connected to your heart, feel the connection to yourself and others and realize what your purpose in life is.
All the answers are already within you. You only have to get access to them.
The source of unlimited consciousness is not about predicting the future. Because you determine the future yourself: with your words, thoughts and actions, but it can show and guide you how to create a life full of abundance for yourself.
Are you ready to get access to your source of unlimited consciousness and create an extraordinary life for yourself and loved ones?